Does the library accept donations?

We will gladly accept your book and media donations, with a few conditions:

  • We do not accept magazines, tapes, activity or puzzle books, textbooks, dictionaries or encyclopedias. 
  • Donations should be in good physical condition.  No yellowing pages, mold, water damage, marked up or colored pages, or otherwise damaged materials.  These items cannot be added to our library collection and they do not sell them in the Friends Bookstore.  Please find elsewhere to recycle these items.
  • Drop off donations at the Circulation Desk.  Please do not drop donations into our outside book and av drops so that library materials do not get mixed up with donations.  Please do not leave donations outside the library if we are closed.
  • Once donated, it is up to the discretion of the Library how they will be used.

If you have a large donation, please contact the Friends of the Library: email Lois Murray,