
It is our policy to maintain an environment free of intimidation, insult, and harassment based upon race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability.

No patron or employee shall engage in comments, jokes, or name calling that is vulgar, offensive, or profane, or that may insult someone’s religion, race, sex, color, disability, age or national origin.

No patron or employee, whether supervisory or non-supervisory, may sexually harass another employee. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to:

Touching or making improper or proposition advances;

Abusive, vulgar language of a sexual nature;

Suggestive jokes or comments about an employee’s body or wearing apparel; Display of sexually suggestive cartoons, pictures, or photographs.

Any such incident should be reported promptly to a supervisor, the director or board of trustees for investigation and resolution. In its efforts to prevent discrimination or harassment of any kind, the library will maintain an open-door policy. All complaints will be promptly and confidentially investigated. The complainant will be advised of the result of the investigation. Any employee, supervisory or non-supervisory, found to have engaged in harassment or discrimination toward another employee will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Any patron found to engage in such conduct will be asked to leave and subject to criminal prosecution where appropriate.

Interlibrary Loan service is provided in accordance with the Library of Rhode Island Standards and Regulations.

Library materials are loaned to registered patrons in good standing who present a valid OSL card or a valid driver’s license.  

Circulating items which are not available in our collection may be borrowed through interlibrary loan from other libraries.  Reserves may be placed directly on our OPACS for items owned by other Rhode Island public libraries or patrons may place reserves from home via the Internet by accessing our homepage (middletownpubliclibraryri.org).

Patrons with FULL ACCESS library cards may place up to 25 reserves on circulating items owned by Ocean State Libraries from a personal computer or at the libraries’ WEBPACs. All special collection materials, discount passes, e-readers, and some libraries’ audio visual materials are excluded.

Reserves can be placed on our oversize collection, but they must be picked up and returned to the circulation desk because oversized material does not travel in the delivery bins.

Circulating items not owned by any Rhode Island public library may be borrowed from university or special libraries in Rhode Island, or from libraries located in other states at the discretion of the owning library. All Middletown library materials that are set as “holdable” are available for loan through interlibrary loan to non-Ocean Sate Libraries with the exception of the oversize collection.

LOCAL ACCESS ONLY cardholders are not allowed to place reserves.

If you need assistance locating library materials please visit the Reference Desk or call us at (401)846-1573.


All holders of a valid Ocean State Libraries card in good standing have access to Middletown Public Library (MPL) public computers. Laptops can be borrowed for in library use by adult cardholders. Parental approval is required for loans to adult cardholders who are 13-17 years of age.

Out of state residents, students working on school assignments and Rhode Island residents who do not wish to register for an Ocean State Libraries card may be issued a guest pass. Minors are welcomed to use the MPL computers subject to parental approval. Priority of use for the computers in the children’s room, in order of first to last: (1) children (2) parents/care givers with young children present  (3) other adults. Adults and teens unaccompanied by children should use the available computers that are located in the adult area of the library.

The MPL offers free, high speed internet access in 3 hour sessions. Time can be extended subject to the availability of computers. Reservations can be made.

It is important to know that some websites may contain information that is not accurate. Trained, professional staff can assist with identifying websites that are not trustworthy.

The MPL benefits from funding for internet access from the Federal Communications Commission and so must comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). CIPA was enacted by Congress in 2000. It imposes technology measures to block or filter access to websites that are harmful to minors. (https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/childrens-internet-protection-act)


It is important to log out of all websites and close all browsers before ending a computer session.

All information, including saved files and browsing history, is purged from MPL computers upon exiting the session.

The MPL’s public, high speed WIFI network is free, not password protected, and not secure. This means that information electronically sent or received may be intercepted by someone else.


The MPL’s computers are to be used appropriately and responsibly. Inappropriate use will result in a documented warning. A second occurrence will result in a suspension of one day. A third occurrence will result in a formal review and possible loss of privileges for thirty days. Headphones shall be used when visiting websites that project sound.

Examples of inappropriate use are, but not limited to:

Violating local, state or federal laws

Attempting to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or files

Tampering with computer hardware or software

Violating software license agreements and copyright laws

Violating another user’s privacy

Welcome to the Middletown Public Library. The Library is supported by the taxes of the people of Middletown who expect our Library to be clean, comfortable and safe places for selecting materials, reading, researching, studying, writing, and attending programs and meetings. To this end, the Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of Library patrons, volunteers, and staff, and for preserving and protecting the Library’s materials, equipment, facilities, and grounds. In addition, the Library has a strong commitment to intellectual freedom and to freedom of access to information.

Enforcement of these rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff and/or Middletown Police Officers will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Failure to comply with the Library’s established rules, regulations, and policies could result in removal from the premises and exclusion from the Library for a period of one day to one year, or in arrest or prosecution. Violations could also result in the restriction and/or termination of Library privileges, including the use of Library computers and other equipment.

Individual patrons may request an administrative review of an exclusion order that is for a period greater than seven days.

For the comfort and safety of patrons, volunteers, and staff, and the protection of Library property, the following actions are examples of conduct not allowed on Library property:

Engaging in any activity in violation of Federal, State, local or other applicable law, or Library policy.

Failing to comply with a reasonable staff request.

Carrying firearms and dangerous weapons of any type except by law enforcement officers.

Being under the influence of alcohol/illegal drugs, and selling, using, or possessing alcohol/illegal drugs.

Verbally or physically threatening or harassing other patrons, volunteers, or staff, including stalking, staring, lurking, offensive touching, and obscene acts such as sex acts and indecent exposure.

Soliciting or conducting surveys not authorized by the Library.

Stealing, damaging, altering, or inappropriate use of Library property in Library facilities or on Library grounds, including computer hardware and software, printers, copiers, phones, and other equipment.

Trespassing in nonpublic areas, being in the Library without permission of an authorized Library employee before or after Library operating hours, or camping on Library grounds.

Fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing, shoving, or throwing things.

Creating disruptive noises such as loud talking, screaming, or banging on computer keyboards.

Gambling and group activities which are disruptive to the Library environment.

Using audible devices without headphones or with headphones set at a volume that disturbs others. Using cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices in a manner that disturbs others. Audible cell phone and pager ringers must be turned off.

Using restrooms for bathing or shampooing, doing laundry, or changing clothes.


Smoking, chewing, and other tobacco use on Library property.

Entering or being in the Library barefoot, without a shirt, with offensive body odor or personal hygiene, or being otherwise attired so as to be disruptive to the Library environment.

Consuming food or beverages in public areas of the Library not authorized by the Library Director.

Leaving packages, backpacks, luggage, or any other personal items unattended. These unattended items are subject to immediate confiscation.

Using wheeled devices in Library property or on Library grounds including use of skateboards, roller-skates, motorized or non-motorized scooters, and shopping carts (except for motorized ADA assistive devices, wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers, bicycles).

Moving Library furniture from where it is placed by Library staff.

Lying down or sleeping in the restrooms, or on any floor, or couch, table or seat in the Library; having feet on furniture; or blocking aisles, exits or entrances.

Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children (See Middletown Public Library Policy- Unattended Child Policy).

Bringing pets or animals, other than service animals necessary for disabilities, into the Library, except as authorized by the Director.

Revised February 2021

Middletown Public Library is a member of the statewide Cooperating Libraries Automated Network called Ocean State Libraries (OSL), which links over 50 public libraries in Rhode Island. Middletown Public Library FULL ACCESS cards may be used at other OSL libraries to borrow materials.

Items may only be checked out with a valid OSL card or a valid photo ID. Items can be held for up to 48 hours at the circulation desk for return pickup.


Obtaining a Library Card


Any person who lives in or pays property taxes in Rhode Island is eligible to receive an Ocean State Libraries (OSL) card from the public library of their choice free of charge. One card is allowed per resident. Use of an Ocean State Libraries card is non-transferrable, i.e., can only be used by the person whose name appears on the card.

 To obtain a free library card: A RI resident must present a valid RI ID or license with his/her current address or a valid photo ID along with verification of address, such as a bill, car registration, check-book, or lease.

Library cards expire every three years. Proof of Rhode Island residency is required to renew. 

Acceptable ID for out of state residents who are currently attending school in RI would include a student ID, course schedule, or a tuition bill.

Children under 13 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with proof of residence.  The cardholder or parent/guardian of a juvenile cardholder is responsible for materials borrowed on his/her card.

Out of state residents can purchase a one year FULL ACCESS card for $185 or a one year LOCAL USE ONLY card for $10. A FULL ACCESS card may be used at other OSL libraries to borrow materials and to place reserves. A LOCAL USE ONLY card can only be used at the issuing library. It cannot be used to place reserves, to access eZone materials, or to borrow an iPad.

Middletown Public Library and/or OSL reserve the right to deny checkout privileges (including renewals and holds) to anyone owing fines of more than $5.00 at any OSL library, and/or has material checked out that is overdue by a week or more.

If a card is lost or stolen, notify the library immediately. A fee of $1.00 is charged to replace a lost card for patrons who present a valid photo ID.

You may apply online for a library card here.


Loan Periods

Material Type Loan Period
Books, Audiobooks, CDs, Magazines 3 weeks
Discount Passes - no holds/renewals 1 week
DVD Series 3 weeks
DVDs 1 week
Express Collection - no holds/renewals 1 week
DVD/BLU-RAY Browsing collection - no holds/renewals 1 week
Fishing poles - no holds/renewals 3 weeks
Tablets - no holds/renewals 3 weeks
eZone Downloads 1, 2, or 3 weeks
Freegal Music Keep downloads
Hoopla Digital 72 hours, 1 week or 3 weeks
Kanopy Streaming 72 hours
RB Digital Magazines Keep downloads


Loan Limits
Certain materials have limits on how many items can be borrowed at one time.

Material Type Number of Items
DVDs 4
CDs and Audiobooks 6
Discount Passes 1 per venue
Tablets 1
eZone Downloads 8
Kanopy Streaming 6 per month
Hoopla Digital 6 per month
Freegal Music 5 songs per week



OSL libraries allow two renewals on most items. Renewals automatically occur when item loan limits allow, the item is not on hold for another cardholder, and the borrower’s card is not blocked by fines over $5.00, overdue or billed itemsMaterial can also be renewed in person at the library, over the phone, or through the online catalog.


Fines and Fees

Fines are charged for overdue materials. Fees are charged for certain services, such as printing and making copies; replacement of lost items, and replacement of lost cards.

Non-perishable food is accepted as payment for fines assessed on Middletown owned materials only.

At the discretion of the owning library, fees may be assessed for damaged materials. Exact replacement copies of lost items may be accepted in lieu of payment for assessed charges at the discretion of the owning library.


Overdue Fines

Material Type Per Day Maximum
Print and CDs $.10 $6
Express Collection $.25 $6
DVDs $1 $10
Discount Passes $5 Replacement cost
Tablets $5 Replacement cost


Other Charges

Type Charge
Lost Items Replacement cost
Inter-library loan charges Determined by the owning library


Reserves (also known as holds) 

Cardholders may place up to 25 reserves on circulating items owned by Ocean State Libraries from a personal computer or at the libraries’ WEBPACs. This service is not available to LOCAL USE ONLY cardholders. All discount passes and some libraries’ audio visual materials are excluded.

Materials from universities and out of state libraries may be requested through the Reference Department. A small fee for postage may be charged.

Cardholders may choose to be notified either by email or with an automated phone call when their reserved item arrives. For instructions on setting up text message notification click here. Reserved material is held at the Circulation Desk for 7 days. A hold is cancelled and the item is placed back in circulation if not picked up within the reserved time.

Cardholders may reserve up to 6 eZone downloads. This service is not available to LOCAL USE ONLY cardholders. Reserved eZone downloads are held for 3 days.