AskRI.org offers multiple research databases such as World Book Early Learning, World Book Kids, World Book Student, Mango Languages, Learning Express, and more. Click through and explore all that it has to offer.
You can download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and stream movies for free through the library’s eZone for Kids.
Check out the Internet Public Library Kid Space for reference and research help.
Need help with different types of math problems for all ages? Visit WebMath for help with topics ranging from addition to calculus.
Math Dictionary for Kids is an interactive dictionary that lets you learn visually what different math terms and vocabulary mean.
Online Learning and Enrichment Resources libguides from the RI’s Office of Library and Information Services.
Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government – go on a leanrning adventure about our federal government.
Fact Monster – a trusted reference site for kids.
The Library is closing at 3:00pm on Thursday, January 29th because there is a sale at DSW and we all deserve NEW SHOES!!!