Internet Use Policy


All holders of a valid Ocean State Libraries card in good standing have access to Middletown Public Library (MPL) public computers. Laptops can be borrowed for in library use by adult cardholders. Parental approval is required for loans to adult cardholders who are 13-17 years of age.

Out of state residents, students working on school assignments and Rhode Island residents who do not wish to register for an Ocean State Libraries card may be issued a guest pass. Minors are welcomed to use the MPL computers subject to parental approval. Priority of use for the computers in the children’s room, in order of first to last: (1) children (2) parents/care givers with young children present  (3) other adults. Adults and teens unaccompanied by children should use the available computers that are located in the adult area of the library.

The MPL offers free, high speed internet access in 3 hour sessions. Time can be extended subject to the availability of computers. Reservations can be made.

It is important to know that some websites may contain information that is not accurate. Trained, professional staff can assist with identifying websites that are not trustworthy.

The MPL benefits from funding for internet access from the Federal Communications Commission and so must comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). CIPA was enacted by Congress in 2000. It imposes technology measures to block or filter access to websites that are harmful to minors. (


It is important to log out of all websites and close all browsers before ending a computer session.

All information, including saved files and browsing history, is purged from MPL computers upon exiting the session.

The MPL’s public, high speed WIFI network is free, not password protected, and not secure. This means that information electronically sent or received may be intercepted by someone else.


The MPL’s computers are to be used appropriately and responsibly. Inappropriate use will result in a documented warning. A second occurrence will result in a suspension of one day. A third occurrence will result in a formal review and possible loss of privileges for thirty days. Headphones shall be used when visiting websites that project sound.

Examples of inappropriate use are, but not limited to:

Violating local, state or federal laws

Attempting to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or files

Tampering with computer hardware or software

Violating software license agreements and copyright laws

Violating another user’s privacy